Governing bodies ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and affiliating university.

The Governing Council is the highest administrative body of the institute and it meets once in
a year and its functions are given below:

  1. To monitor academic and other related activities of the college.
  2. To review important communications, policy decisions or any other similar notices
    received from the University, Government or AICTE.
  3. To pass the annual budget of the college.
  4. To review the audited statements of accounts of the college.
  5. To consider introduction of new courses and changes intake for the next academic year.
  6. To review the Memorandum of Understanding agreed and Industry collaboration
  7. To review the faculty positions of the college.
  8. To review the faculty development initiatives and programs.
  9. To review the admissions of the college.
  10. To review the academic performance of the students.
  11. To review the development activities of the students.
  12. To review the training and placement activities.