An internal assessment is a continuous and comprehensive process of evaluation conducted during an ongoing academic session, to promote and facilitate the learning process through an active participation by students with a passive yet advisory role being adopted by the teachers.

Internal Assessment is part of a broader system of continuous evaluation that includes class tests, tutorials, assignments, projects, and presentations.

It will be done by the faculty members of the department of the institution where the candidate is pursuing the study. The internal assessment shall be based on a transparent system involving student’s performance in class tests, class room participation based on attendance in theory courses, assignments and seminars in respect of theory courses. For the test paper marks, at least one test paper should be conducted. If more test papers are conducted, the marks of the best one should be taken. To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment marks awarded to the students in each course in a semester shall be notified on the notice board at least one week before the commencement of external evaluation. There shall not be any chance for improvement for internal marks. The course teacher(s) shall maintain the academic record of each student registered for the course, which shall be forwarded to the university by the college Principal after obtaining the signature of both course teacher and Head of the department.