Qualification: MCom, MBA. UGC NET
Hometown: Kuruppampady, Perumbavoor
Ambily K R ,working as an Assistant Professor at RVCAS. She completed her Post Graduation and Graduation from M.G University, Kottayam and MBA from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Areas of Interest
Financial Management
Work experience
Assistant professor in PG Department of Commerce,St.Kuriakose college of Management and Science, Kuruppampady (2016-2023)
Success fully completed NPTEL SWAYAM Course B2B Marketing.
FDPs/Workshops / Training/Seminars Attended
• Participated in 5 day faculty programme on”Re-imagining higher education in the light of NEP-2020” organised by IQAC at St. Kuriakose college of Management of Science, Kuruppampady during February 20-25, 2023
• Participated in the International Conference on “Need of digital Transition and CSR for innovative Sustenance in the 2023 Economy 2023” organised by Department of Business Administration, MES College Marampally , Kerala ,India on March 15-16,2023
• Participating two-day workshop on SPSS organized by PG Department of commerce Bharath matha college Thrikakkara
• Participated on day seminar based on GST organized by Naipunnya college Pongam
• Participated 7 day Faculty Development Program on Capacity Building organised By IQAC St.Kuriakose College of Management and Scince,Kuruppampady during November 14 -21,2023