The College emblem encompasses the essence of the College motto: LEARN, SERVE and EXCEL. The College is centred on the activity of learning as symbolised by the open book, while it also has reference to the Eternal Wisdom, the experience of which is stored in the sacred scriptures of the world. As quoted in the Bible, “Wisdom is more beautiful than the sun and all the constellations. She is better than light itself, because night always follows day, but evil never overcomes Wisdom” (Wisdom 7:29-30). However, this learning process is not individualistic; it is a process wherein the teacher, the student and the community grow together.

Learning is meant to equip people to serve the world, with a mentality of sharing the limited resources of the world, most optimally. This journey of learning coupled with service which leads to the shores of achievement and excellence, is symbolized by the ship. The crown is symbolic in two aspects: the crown of achievement and Jesus Christ, the King of glory after whom the College is named, RAJAGIRI, the Hill of the King.