The Department of Commerce at Rajagiri Viswajyothi College caters to the biggest number of students, and has the largest alumni group among all departments. As the largest department in the college, the students of Commerce have been at the helm of many major events at the college. B.Com has served as that degree that helps to be employed in both public and private institutions in the nation across a wide range of industries. The teachers of the department continuously strive to help the students to be competent at all times to meet the demands of the situations in front of them. Keeping some regular interaction with the industries of commerce has been a priority. The activities that include trade, transportation, banking, share market and insurance gain the centre stage, along with the concepts of the contemporary digital age like e-commerce. There are invited lectures and seminars taken by experts which assist the students in the pursuit of knowledge. The department offers variety in the selection of courses too.